jeudi 29 juin 2017

Petya Killswitch

Killswitch Petya Ransomware

For End-users

In this article I will briefly describe how to implement a Killswitch to prevent Petya's Cryptolocker.

The Ransomware checks the presence of three files in the %SystemRoot% folder before infecting his target.
If found, it appears that he stops his process.

To prevent your computer to be hit from Petya Ransomware you will need to create those files to kill the execution process.

In the %SystemRoot% folder typically : C:\Windows\

Create 3 files named   perfc , perfc.dat and perfc.dll

To achieve this you will first need to disable the "Hide extension for known file types" checkbox by opening the folder options in Windows Explorer

Create a new text (.txt) file with notepad, save it in C:\Windows and remove the txt extension
Copy this file twice and add the following extensions to the file : .dat & .dll

Your C:\Windows folder will look like this :

Those files needs to be in read-only mode , right click on each of them and check the box :

You will also need to install this KB of Microsoft to close the security hole used by WannaCry and Petya (SMBv1 Vulnerability)

For professionals

Same process as above but to avoid to do it manually to each end computer, you can implement a GPO in your Active Directory server to spread the creation of the three files in your domain.

Basically you will need to remote desktop one of your internal Domain Controllers and open the Group Policy Manager.

1) Create a remote share readable and reachable for all computers
For ex : \\servername\Share\NoPetya\

2) Create manually the 3 files (perfc, perfc.dat, perfc.dll) in this share
Check if the 3 files are in Read-only.

3) Create a new GPO for ex called "Cryptolocker prevention"

4A) Implement the following rule under COMPUTER => Preferences => Windows Settings => Files

Right click => New File

Actions : Create
Source Files :  \\servername\Share\NoPetya\*.* or make 3 separate rules
Destination Folder : C:\Windows\


4B) by using a Startup GPO with a batch File
Computer Configuration => Policies => Windows Settings => Scripts => Startup => copy batch file inside

With the following script where PATH is the source folder of the 3 files

Set PATH=\\%replace_with_yourdomainname%\SYSVOL\%replace_with_yourdomainname%\scripts\NoPetya
Copy /Y %PATH% C:\Windows

5) Link the GPO to the right computer OU or to the top of your domain.

Howto :

6) Wait after the GPO to apply or try a gpupdate/force (4A) in CMD or reboot the computer (4B).

Also you will need to install this HotFix to all servers and computers (better to use WSUS Service to achieve this fast and easily).

Good luck.

Sources :

samedi 26 janvier 2013

Fx Mathieu

Je suis un Informaticien orienté systèmes business de Microsoft.

Après avoir parcouru beaucoup de tutoriels sur des blogs lorsque j'avais besoin d'une aide sur un produit bien particulier, j'ai réalisé à quel point il était intéressant, déjà pour soi même, puis pour les autres, de détailler par étapes les produits que nous devons en tant qu'informaticien, installer,tester,utiliser et réparer tout au long de notre carrière.

Au travers de ce blog, je vais tenter de détailler au maximum mes expériences à l'aide de tutoriels clairs en espérant qu'ils puissent vous aider à configurer correctement les outils Microsoft mis à votre disposition.
Je tenterai de remplir ce blog le plus souvent possible en fonction des situations rencontrées et du temps que je dispose.
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Mon CV est consultable en ligne en Français et en Anglais.

Tutoriels en cours de construction :

- Microsoft Office 365 Edition 2013
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012
- Microsoft Windows 8

Tutoriels programmés :

- Microsoft SharePoint 2010
- Microsoft System Center 2012
- Green IT
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